The Fascinating Unorthodox Story of an Assimilated American Jew

by Avi Abelow

This is a video interview that you should not miss! In a sense J Dale Debber‘s story is the typical American Jewish story of an assimilated American Jew, but he ended up doing something very different that changed it all! While most of his life he grew up as an assimilated American Jew, today he is a religious Jew. But the interesting aspect is why and when he made that change.

His life story is fascinating and he is more connected with his Jewish identity today than ever before. The life path that his son Clay has taken is big proof!!! Hear this special interview with both of them.

The Assimilated Jew

Most American Jews are assimilated and not as connected to their ancestral Jewish identity or homeland. Historically, many Jews who immigrated from Europe were escaping the horrific antisemitism that they experienced in Europe, so when coming to America, they wanted to assimilate and become American, and no longer be looked at differently as Jews.

A key component of the Jewish Reform movement was to assimilate as Americans and not stick out as Jews. While Orthodox Jews might dress a little differently and have to eat in strictly kosher establishments, Reform Jews did not want have those differences, they wanted to be Americans.

Mr. Debber himself was an assimilated Jew, who intermarried with a non-Jew. But something happened in his life that led him to reconnect with his Jewish identity. His story is so important to be heard and so deep on so many levels.

You definitely do not want to miss hearing what his plans are for the future and what his son is doing today…

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