The Explosive Question the Biden Admin Refuses to Answer

by Phil Schneider

Ron Dermer says what every American should be asking themselves. What would America do if they were faced with a surprise invasion from their neighboring country that killed over 1,000 of their citizens? The answer that nearly any sane American would say would be that America would hit back hard – very hard – with all of its military might. That is the reason why so many countries that would be interested in attacking America think twice. 

But Israel is always judged with a completely different standard than the rest of the world. Israel is always viewed – even by its supporters – as a country that must be morally above nearly every other country. Mortimer Zuckerman, writing in the US News & World Report, once expressed that Israel should always keep the moral high ground. Perhaps Israel should view its role as a light unto the nations and act accordingly. But if Israel is too careful with establishing the moral high ground, Zuckerman explained, they will be dead. 

When Israel waited for Egypt and Syria to attack first in the Yom Kippur War – in response to pressure from Henry Kissinger- Israel endangered thousands of their soldiers. Had Israel attacked first, they may very well have saved many hundreds of soldiers. Of course, that is just speculation. But the basic concept should be that Israel should first think of its own welfare and only afterwards on how it is judged by the world. After all, that is what America would do. 

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