From Ethiopia to Israel, Shlomo Shmuel’s story of how he got to being a comedian is amazing. He is the Ethiopian Israeli comedian people are talking about and here is his story.
It doesn’t matter what minority you come from, it’s hard breaking out and getting the message out. However, Shlomo has taken on this challenge throough his work and is doing amazing stuff.
Shlomo’s Story
Shlomo’s parents came to Israel from Ethiopia. Jews started coming to Israel en masse from Ethiopia in the late 1970’s. The next three decades saw aliyah from Ethiopia grow and the Ethiopian community in Israel became bigger and stronger. Shlomo’s parents made aliyah in 1984 but it wasn’t an easy thing. They gave up a lot in order to come live in the Jewish homeland.
But just like any other minority, the Ethiopian Israeli community stayed close knit at the start. Today it is different but there are still nuclear Ethiopian communities in parts of Israel. Shlomo’s family wasn’t like this. In fact he grew up being one of the few Ethiopian kids where he lived.
Shlomo understands what his parents had to do and give up to live here in Israel and is now doing his own bit to bring good to the world.
How Shlomo became a comedian
Like many people, Shlomo didn’t dream of being a comedian as a young child. But Shlomo was always the joker. He ended up taking this talent and started doing stand-up comedy. He is now using this incredible talent to combat racism.
As a kid Shlomo was the victim of racist remarks. Today he stands up and infront of mixed audiences and uses comedy to fight this.