The Oslo peace process, legitimizing Israel to talk peace with Arafat and his band of PLO terrorists, was doomed to failure from the beginning.
Oslo Was a Mistake From Day One
The arch-terrorist Arafat was persona-non-grata for decades before the Oslo accords. He first tried to overthrow the King of Jordan and take over Jordan. Then he brought destruction to Lebanon in order to take over Lebanon. He failed at both and made himself hated in the Arab/Muslim world. He did all of this while he carried out terror attacks against Israel and murdered Israelis.
Then Arafat supported Saddam Hussein in the first Gulf War. As a result, Hussein expelled hundreds of thousands of “palestinian” Arabs from Kuwait (how often does the media tell you that fact). Due to his support of Saddam Hussein, he became persona-non-grata in the USA as well. And then some left-wing Israeli politicians thought it wise to legitimize him and start an internationally supported peace process with him. Arafat duped them all from day one.
Immediately after the Oslo accords were signed, Arafat gave a speech in Johannesburg, South Africa. There, he basically said that the Oslo accords were just a deal to weaken Israel. Then, later on, they would destroy Israel when they had enough strength. He compared it to a treaty that Mohammed made centuries ago, with that exact same strategy.
Oslo Summary
My friend, Josh Hasten, summed up the Oslo accords on his Facebook page so eloquently.
25 years ago today, #Israel officially brought the PLO back from the dead and signed the Oslo Accords (Declaration of Principles) on the White House lawn. Notice how Arafat is in military fatigues while Rabin is in a suit (not looking so happy btw).
Since then 1,600 Israelis have been murdered in terror attacks or killed in battle as a direct result. Ironically before “peace” there was a greater degree of coexistence between Jews and Arabs throughout Judea and Samaria.
Gone are the days of shopping in Gaza City or picking up building materials in Bethlehem. Nope, today’s “peace” consists of big red signs warning Jews that entering Palestinian Authority areas is against the law and dangerous.
So with so many dead and thousands more injured, four military operations in Judea/Samaria/Gaza and no peace on the horizon, who still thinks it was the right move? Not me.
Highlights – Tweets on Oslo at 25
How ironic that 25 years after Oslo accords were signed giving birth to the two-state solution process, the Trump administration has closed the PLO mission in the US saying the Palestinians have not taken steps to advancing negations w/ Israel? So is the 2-state solution dead?
— Ayman Mohyeldin (@AymanM) September 10, 2018
Let’s sum up 25 years of Oslo:#Israel gave up lots of land in exchange for rockets, tunnels and more terror than before.
The “State of Palestine” is recognized by the UNGA and most of the world even though it celebrates terror.
Ordinary Pals live in a corrupt kleptocracy.
— ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) September 13, 2018