What a congressional hearing this was once AOC took the stage! It is always entertaining to find out what she will say next.
Congressional Hearing and AOC
At the congressional hearing with Mark Zuckerberg regarding some of Facebook’s policies and issues, there were Democrats who grilled him for topics like racism. It is obvious that there is a bias against Conservatives on Facebook and other platforms, so it was quite interesting to hear Democrats slam Facebook as well. But when AOC took the floor, it is unclear if she thought she was sounding intelligent.
AOC Embarrassed Herself
AOC wants Mark Zuckerberg to take down advertisements that might be negative toward AOC and her side of the political spectrum. She is asking Facebook to censor more – as long as it is in support of her. Be even MORE supportive of the Left, AOC is demanding.
One of the more embarrassing comments AOC has ever made, although they are all pretty mortifying, is when she claimed that some of the Conservatives who Zuckerberg has had “dinner parties” with “advance the theory that White Supremacy is a hoax.” And then she went on to call The Daily Caller a White Supremacist outlet, which is completely false and not based on any facts. AOC needs a MAJOR reality check. She needs to be brought back to this world.