The Anti-Trump Social Media Purge Has Begun

by Avi Abelow

So everything I have warning about for years is happening at warp speed now. I start seeing the headlines after Shabbat and find out that social media companies have begun a massive purge of conservative, Pro-Trump accounts. Apple & Google are also beginning to threaten, and remove, alternative social media apps from their app stores so that they will be gone as well, silencing conservative voices.

As former US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley just said “silencing people, not to mention the President of the US, is what happens in China not our country #unbelievable”

This is dangerous and very bad news.

The social media companies are doing this based on the narrative that ‘President Trump led an insurrection, he supports domestic terrorists and that Trump supporters who still believe that alleged voter fraud should be investigated’ are supporters of this insurrection as well, because that position directly “incites violence”, and hence deserves to be silenced.

However, that narrative is one big lie, even though it is now the narrative being fed us by establishment media.

The truth is that there was no insurrection by the President or his supporters.

There were people who entered the Capitol building illegally, whether Antifa and/or Trump supporters, and they should all be punished, obviously including anyone who used violence. But that was no insurrection.

Nothing good could have come out of that act for Trump. Nothing. Not the fall of the government, not the overturning of an election, nothing, just bad headlines, unnecessary violence and vandalism with no positive outcome. Storming a building with US flags and taking selfies and pictures in the building is a sure fire way to fail to overthrow a government. And any person, right or left, who used violence was an idiot and should be punished.

In actuality, Trump was the one most hurt by what happened. Congressmen and Senators were finally going to hear and see evidence and discuss the contested elections for hours and hours, if not days, according to the Constitution. That was stopped because of what happened. The final opportunity afforded to President Trump according to the Constituion to contest the elections was taken away from him and all his supporters.

Does it really make sense that Trump would support such a stupid act of “insurrection” that would hurt him and stop his final opportunity to contest the elections? Others had an interest to stop that process, not Trump.

No, he had no reason to support such a stupid act and he didn’t.

But that is not the story we are being told. We are being told that President Trump led an insurrection. That he supports domestic terrorism and that his supporters are domestic terrorists and hence deserve to be silenced.

What we are witnessing is a massive delegitimization campaign of all Trump supporters, half of America.

This brings back memories from 1995 of the despicable campaign to delegitimize the whole right-wing/religious community in Israel following the assasination of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin. That campaign lasted for years. The whole right-wing/religious community was blamed for the assassination.

That is exactly what is happening in America today. All conservatives/Trump supporters are being blamed for the act of a few. Except today the media world is that much more powerful with the ease social media companies have to shut people up and shut them down.

It is so sad to witness what is going on. What’s even sadder is understanding that most people can’t even have civil conversations about this because there are two sides with two totally different set of “facts”. There is no middle ground to have civil disagreements anymore. Like I said before the elections, those who still believe establishment media voted for Biden, those who no longer believe establishment media voted for Trump.

Trump is not the one who divided America. The establishment media that has spread lies for four years, calling Trump a racist, antisemite, Hitler etc. are the ones that have divided America.

And for those who will insult me for “worshipping” Trump. Again, I worship no man. I worship G-d alone. This is not about Trump. This is much bigger than Trump. This is about an ideological agenda that wants to shut down all dissent. Trump just happens to be the one leader with the fortitude and leadership to stand up to it. Hence, my voice in support of his agenda to take it on. And as I always say, we are dealing with the exact same thing in Israel. A second reason why I’m vocal about it.

As I wrote in my last post, everthing is for the best. Hold on to your faith, be the best person you can be, keep on standing up for truth and don’t get discouraged.

Have a safe and healthy week!

See comments on original facebook post

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