Terror Victims Family Attacked by the Terrorist’s Family in Israel’s Supreme Court

by Avi Abelow

This is a disgrace! The family of terrorists attacked the family of a murdered terror victim, killed by their relatives! All in the halls of the Israeli Supreme Court.

Court Case on Terrorist’s Bodies

On Tuesday, the Israeli Supreme Court held a hearing on whether terrorists’ bodies should be returned to their families. The state of Israel holds on to the bodies of killed terrorists in order to use them as bargaining chips to release captive Israelis. The Israeli NGO Adalah brought the petition to the Supreme Court, representing the families of the terrorists.

In court, the relatives shouted at members of the terror victims families. The security guards then removed both sides from the courtroom and the physical attacks on the families began in the hallway.

The security guards then escorted the victims’ families into an empty courtroom to protect them from the terrorists families.


Adalah submitted the petition on behalf of the terrorist’s families.  They are a non-profit organization with a clear political angle.

Adalah markets itself as a non-profit that offers legal services for the “Palestinian” Arab citizens of Israel. In truth, Adalah is an anti-Israeli organization that is funded by European countries who want to weaken Israel using legal warfare.  Legal warfare is very powerful and serves as an excellent front to weaken Israel from.

Adalah claims that Israel committed war crimes in Gaza.  In addition, they support boycotts of Israel and call Israel “an apartheid state that commits genocide.”  These actions have nothing to do with “legal services” for Arab citizens of Israel.  They do have everything to do with hurting Israel domestically and internationally.

The EU on the Wrong Side

Instead of helping Israel fight terrorists and deter terrorist families from grooming future terrorists, European countries use their tax-payer money to help terrorists and make it harder for Israel to fight terror.

Too bad. The Islamic terror that the EU will now have to fight started in Israel. The EU will regret the day they decided to stand with the terror network instead of standing with Israel.  Israel is a strategic ally in the fight against Islamic terror and whoever stands with Israel is on the right side.

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