And not only the FBI & CIA were in on tying Trump to the Russia hoax , but Hillary Clinton & Obama!!!

It’s as if all the allegations the Democrats throw at President Trump and conservatives are actually all things the Democrats are guilty of!!!
I can’t wait for all the dirty truth to come out and for those responsible get their due punishment!!!
In response to someone’s calling this out as fake news, I responded with the following:
“The major difference between us is that I view the mainstream media as ideologically biased, as it has been for years, so I don’t trust their reporting as you do. The same thing happened with our disagreement on the expulsion from Gush Katif, Gaza. Everyone said that it was good, Jewish leaders, politicians, and the mainstream media celebrated the disengagement and called people like me enemies of peace because I said that it was a disaster.
It’s hard to believe that what mainstream media and leaders say is totally wrong and ideologically biased. I get it. I’m not even going to try to convince you on this issue.
What I will do, though, is suggest that you listen to an independent journalist, a leftist, on how he breaks down this issue. He is a leftist who no longer trusts the mainstream media.
He questions everything and tries to break down the evidence on issues. He is an interesting guy to listen to: