The Divine intervention that resulted from one act of giving will blow your mind. How can someone not believe in G-d?
The Story That Will Make You Believe in Divine Intervention
There is no way to explain a story like this without the fact that the hand of G-d orchestrated the events. Stories like these cannot be explained by “chance.” It’s a story like this that shows clear acts of Divine intervention.
Is it always easy to believe in G-d? Definitely not. There are challenges that people face in life that make them question their faith and their religion. Sometimes, we need to search a little harder and dig a little deeper to uncover G-d’s presence.
When G-d is hiding His face, it is called “Hester Panim.” Throughout Jewish history, the Jewish people have not always been able to feel G-d’s presence so easily. And yet, they still pulled through. They still came out of each persecution, oppression, and challenge believing in the One above. We don’t always understand why G-d does things, but it is comforting to know that He has a plan and that it’s for the best. To believe that things are left up to “chance” and “luck” is a terrifying thought. To believe that things are random is horrifying. How would anyone be able to live life that way? Sleep at night? Believing that there is a purpose is a calming feeling.
We should all merit to see G-d’s presence in our everyday lives and connect to Him more and more.