Ron DeSantis Gave One of the Greatest Israel Speeches in Our Times

by Phil Schneider

Ron DeSantis is not new to becoming a supporter of the State of Israel. Ron DeSantis was a Congressman for a few terms before being elected Governor of Florida, and in that capacity, he was as good a friend of Israel as could be.

The President during DeSantis’ terms in Congress was Barack Obama and Obama’s anti-Israel stance needed to be confronted. The main leaders in the United States who stood up to Obama were Congressmen and Congresswomen who stood up – literally – for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – as he spoke to Congress about Iran’s existential threat to the State of Israel.

One could argue that Netanyahu’s finest moment was his speech in Congress, which was a direct confrontation with Obama in Washington. But DeSantis’s makes a few points that are rarely heard among Israel supporters. He claims that Israel’s fight and America’s fight is one and the same. This is so important and exactly right.

The threats to the United States today are not only radical Islam and dangerous borders. The massive progressive push threatens the very fabric of family life in America today, which is the most important building block of Western society. Israel is facing these same threats. The attitude of many young people in America today is one that is disconnected to truth and responsibility. It is one of entitlement and fake history. Fake holidays and fake history are the new norm in America.

Israel is in the midst of correcting and confronting fake historical battles too. The “Palestinian Nation” narrative is as true as the narrative of those promoting Critical Race Theory. The radical progressive ideologies on college campuses in the USA today mirror the struggles that Israel is facing among a much smaller yet vocal LBGTQ+ community that knows no shame.

The Republican Presidential candidates are all a great group. But DeSantis indeed has a special understanding of Israel and America’s joint bonds. He is the real thing.

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