Reform Rabbi Enraged Liberals With This Booming Speech About Israel

by Phil Schneider

Some time over the last two decades, it has become fashionable to bash Israel. This Reform Rabbi’s speech will most definitely get under the skin of anyone who’s idea of being Jewish is to side with those who are working every day to destroy the State of Israel.

What has led to this absurd situation? Are there any Ukrainian-born Americans who bash Ukraine for being invaded by Russia? That would be completely illogical. Yet somehow, there are many Jewish people who feel that they are being more humanitarian by siding with Israel’s foes. Why? Because they have bought into the great lie.

They have accepted what Jimmy Carter coined as the justified humanitarian cause of the “Palestinian people.” Is he wrong? Yes. Jimmy Carter was probably the #1 President who obfuscated when it came to everything relating to the State of Israel.

There indeed are people with a deep connection to the location that has historically been called Palestine. They are the Jewish people. For many centuries, whenever Jews returned to their homeland via trickles from Europe, Arab countries, or Russia, the term used for the Holy Land was often Palestine. It was always the JEWISH homeland that was called Palestine.

Arabs lived in what is today Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Iraq, and other areas in the Middle East. A very small number – less than 100,000 lived in what is today called the State of Israel. There was never a distinct Arab nationality for these Arabs. They were simply called – Arabs. If anyone used the term, “Palestinians,” it was in reference to Jews.

What has happened is that the anti-Israel Arab movement hijacked a not-often used term called “Palestinians” and created a new entity and fake nationality of Arabs. If there ever were such a thing as Palestinians, then they were Jews, not Arabs. This lie is less than 50 years old. It is time the lie is opposed – once and for all/ It must be labeled for what it is – a big fat lie.

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