Pushing the mRNA vaccines on pregnant women constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS in the history of humanity

by Avi Abelow

Doctor James Thorpe is an ObGyn and Maternal Fetal Medicine with 44 years of OB experience. Board Certified. Extensively Published – 215 total with 48 on COVID.

Dr. Thorpe posted the following on his Twitter account:

My 44 years of Ob experience and my vast published experience (221 articles, including 48 on COVID-related topics) allow me to be certain. I am willing to bet my life on it and I offered to debate anyone in the world for the last 3 years. NOBODY to date has the ethical, moral, and intellectual integrity to debate me.

Pushing the Lethal mRNA vaccines in my pregnant patients constitutes the GREATEST violation of ETHICS in the history of humanity. The danger signals emanating from the VAERS and a myriad of other sources globally are unprecedented. The danger signals from my VAST experience of seeing nearly 27,500 patients in the last 4.5 years are unprecedented.

The Medical Industrial Complex #HHS #CDC #FDA #ABOG #ACOG #SMFM are all corrupt to the core as are their journals. They are likely bribed by the $13 Billion dispensed by Mark Weber Dep Sec HHS through the newly created COVID-19 Community Corp (CCC) in March 2021. They targeted about 300 “influencers” with the stated purpose of eliminating vaccine hesitancy by a $13 Billion bribe with a contract they would PUSH the lockstep narrative of HHS/CDC.

The American College of ObGyn (ACOG) was a founding member and have taken vast amounts of bribe monies (> $11M) from CCC not allowing them to deviate from the deadly HHS/CDC narrative. I have been honored and awarded by ACOG ABOG & SMFM (Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine), I served on the Board of Directors for SMFM. I testified in US Senate TWICE. The HHS CDC ACOG FOIA of 1400 pages are PROOF of this lethal & unprecedented PSYOPS campaign.

What has changed? NOBODY in the ENTIRE WORLD would have condoned pushing a highly novel experimental gene therapy in pregnancy 10 years ago and it would have been considered malpractice and may have resulted in criminal charges likely including jail time. It would’ve been considered patently absurd. Yet the band plays on. Not egregious enough? The Pfizer 3.5.6 internal document 2.28.2021 reported 1223 deaths just after less than 10 weeks of the rollout – the most lethal medical intervention EVER. This was buried and Pfizer attempted to hide this for 75 years.

I was vocal about the common-sense questions regarding the vaccine for pregnant women back in the beginning of 2021 and I was deligitimized and shamed publicly for daring to voice my concerns and questions. Below are two of my articles already back then.

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