It’s All a Fear Campaign to Vaccine All the Kids and Pregnant Women

by Avi Abelow

This is so sad. Data is being ignored. Real stories and facts are being ignored. It is all a fear campaign.

I had a talk with a friend of mine a few weeks ago about his pregnant daughter. At the time, the hysteria in the media/medical establishment/government was about the need for all pregnant women to get the jab. My friend and his whole family got the jab, not because they wanted to but because they were afraid of the consequences on their lives if they wouldn’t get it, but they sat down with their pregnant daughter to really research the issue in helping her decide what to do. In the end, after much research, his daughter decided not to get the jab, despite the fear campaign that swept through the country driving pregnant women to get the jab.

When talking to my friend, again, someone who himself got the jab together with the rest of his family, he told me that after his daughter made her decision they joked about how we will next see a fear campaign to get all the kids in Israel to take the jab as well. And so, on cue, the fear campaign begins with the first reports of kids in schools and now a baby, sick in the hospital. (see the video in Hebrew below)

Oh, and a few weeks ago the news reported that the Health Ministry was considering a plan to punish parents who took the jab by taking away their green passports if their kids don’t get the jab. How about that for “informed consent”?

Again, I’m all for everyone making their own medical decisions, based on their own personal risk/benefit analysis due to their individual situation, but I’m disgusted and horrified by the fear and punishment campaigns/policies coercing law-abiding citizens about a medical procedure.

It’s important to remember that many doctors and medical professionals all over the world have advised people to take existing medical treatments that deal with the virus, and all the mutations as well. These doctors are saying that there is no need to live in constant fear of mutations and no need to take an experimental jab, that one will have to get again and again every year, to deal with the mutations. Don’t listen to me, listen to one of the many scientists/doctors who says this, an ex-VP of scientific research at Pfizer!

It’s also important to remember that the fear campaign to get pregnant women to take the shot was exactly that, a fear campaign. Someone contacted the Ministry of Health for the actual number of pregnant women at the time who got sick and died with the virus. I attached the document from the MOH with the data below. Only one woman died, and they even say that she had other medical issues.

On the other hand, thousands of women have had their menstrual cycles heavily impacted by the jabs, with many women even having miscarriages and stillborns after the jab. Is it for certain that all this is because of the jab? No, but I would expect the medical establishment to be very concerned and look into those matters, yet they are hardly doing that. I imagine months are necessary to track multiple pregnant women. Yet, already medical professionals are saying they have looked into it and there is no connection. Really? More concerning, they didn’t do this research beforehand, before recommending all women/pregnant women to take the jab!!! As a doctor in this article says

“The train sort of left the station on that because we are now recommending the vaccine for everybody. So it will be very hard for us to generate a control group to answer this question,” she said.

With regards to young people, already many young healthy people who got the jab are reporting serious Health issues following the jab. Like this guy

and the young lady in this video below.

For a thorough, comprehensive analysis of adverse effects of the jab here in Israel, you can check out this independent report:

Official numbers are that around 100,000 people in Israel who took the first jab did not go back for the second jab. Why? Because things happened to them or to friends and family. I’m willing to bet that even less will go for the third jab for the same exact same reason.

My focus has always been that there is no need to take an experimental jab with no long-term data on side effects, since existing treatments exist. But with the growing cases of people with short-term adverse effects, the point is even more important to consider. Especially when thinking about giving this experimental jab to healthy kids!

Again, whoever wants to get the jab can get the jab, it’s a risk/benefit analysis for each person depending upon individual circumstances. But coercing a whole society, and healthy kids, to take an experimental jab while existing medical treatments exist while suppressing information about real and potential adverse effects, is so wrong on multiple levels and especially considering it does not allow for informed consent.

And, no, this is not fear-mongering. Government/medical establishment/media suppressing information about existing treatments, while scaring people to death that every potential person in the world is a threat to their health, including healthy people, while censoring/firing doctors/medical professionals, and developing coercive policies to scare people to take the jab, that is fear-mothering!

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