Pro-Israel Democrat Enraged His Party With This Interview

by Leah Rosenberg

Pro-Israel Democrat John Fetterman has made his voice known when it comes to supporting Israel. Listen to what he said here.

Pro-Israel Democrat Proudly Stands with Israel

Senator John Fetterman is unique. Most if not all Republicans probably do not agree with him politically. But there is one thing that he has really shown his brilliance on – and that is Israel. Sadly, too many Democrats have shown their contempt for the Jewish state and their ignorance on the situation. Fetterman has shown he gets it. And what is so amazing about this pro-Israel Democrat is that he isn’t afraid to say it out loud – despite what some in his own party might think about him.

Acting morally and supporting the only democracy in the Middle East should not be political, as Fetterman pointed out. The fact that it has become political is mind-boggling. We are literally talking about good vs. evil. Israel is fighting against terrorists. Israel is America’s ally. How is there any question as to which side one should fully and wholeheartedly support? Are people that antisemitic? That ignorant? When people like Fetterman speak up, it does indeed give hope that not everyone in the Democratic party is completely lost.

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