Palestinian Arabs are Furious about What This Muslim Said to the Jewish People

by Leah Rosenberg

The land of Israel belongs to the Jewish people. And it is amazing when a Muslim will not only believe it but also publicly say it.

The Land of Israel and the Jewish People

Here is the truth: Israel belongs to the Jewish people. And despite the fact that the Bible says it, archaeology proves it, and history records it, people still won’t admit it. For those who hate the Jewish people, they will do everything in their power to try to sever the connection between the Jewish nation and the Jewish homeland.

And then you have people like Noor Dahri. He is a Pakistani-born Muslim. Not only does he know the truth about Israel, but he proudly and loudly declares it. That is not the norm in the Muslim world where sadly so many are denouncing and demonizing the one and only Jewish state.

When people like Dahri are brave enough to take a stand, it highlights the fact that there are good, moral people in the world. Even when it seems like everyone is attacking Israel and the Jews, people like Noor Dahri come to save the day. And he reminds us that the good will ultimately shut out the evil even if it sometimes seems like the evil is louder.

In Judaism, we are commanded to have “Hakarat Hatov” – or recognize the good. We are told to have gratitude towards others. We must recognize the good that Noor Dahri represents, and we must thank Him for defending Israel and the Jewish people.

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