Trump’s October Surprise – All Roads Lead To Obama

by Micha Gefen

The Deep State coup attempt at removing Trump from office using the Russian Hoax is now about to boomerang agains the Democrats and the Deep State with just over month to go in the US Presidential Elections.


The Deep State coup attempt at removing Trump from office using the Russian Hoax is now about to boomerang against the Democrats and the Deep State with just over month to go in the US Presidential Elections.

Expect the DOJ to release its findings soon and if rumors are accurate, not one will be spared.

Is this the October surprise we have been waiting for? It sure seems so. The coup attempt appears to go all the way back to the top and it is the reason why Obama’s camp so wants to defeat Trump before the DOJ probe pulls them all down.

In fact, it may be so bad that it is the reason why former generals are so focused on trying to take down Trump. However, it does not seem to matter.

With a month to go, President Trump is leading a counter revolution against ANTIFA and BLM and their Obama backers.

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