Netanyahu Warns: Iran Endangers Lebanese Citizens with These Secret Missile Sites. UN is Silent

by Avi Abelow

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu exposed pictures and detailed locations of secret Iranian missile locations in Lebanese civilian areas. Days have passed since his revelation.  But the United Nations and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) have done nothing. This is an absolute travesty. Just look at how many innocent Lebanese civilians are in danger thanks to these Iranian secret missile locations.

EXPOSED: Iranian and Hezbollah Accurate Missile Project exposed today by The Prime Minister of Israel in the United Nations General Assembly

IAEA Ignores Netanyahu’s Information for Inspections

Nearly a week after Netanyahu’s speech, and the only thing the IAEA has done in response to Netanyahu’s revelation on the danger to Lebanese civilians is to issue the following statement.

“The agency sends inspectors to sites and locations only when needed. The agency uses all safeguards relevant to information available to it but it does not take any information at face value.” This is what IAEA chief Yukiya Amano said in a statement.

Netanyahu then responded that “there is no reason to wait. “The IAEA should check the site and immediately send inspectors with a radiation detector and the prime minister’s statement will be found to be the whole truth.”

A Total Waste of Time by the World

This of course begs this question.  How much do the world powers really care about stopping the evil Islamic regime of Iran from developing nuclear and ballistic weapons?  Do they understand that Iran endangers innocent civilians all over the world?

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