Netanyahu Highlights A Historical Evening in Jerusalem

by Avi Abelow

Even though July 4th celebrations begin on July 4th, the US Embassy to Israel held its official celebration party on the eve of July 2nd, in Jerusalem. This was the first ever US Embassy July 4th celebration in Jerusalem, a truly historic event. This was a historic evening and PM Netanyahu made sure to emphasize it and thank all those for making it happen.

It was a fantastic and historic night!

The American & Israeli people have so much to be proud of! Pride in our countries, proud in our histories, pride in the Bible that ties our value systems together and pride in our eternal bond in standing up together for truth, Justice & liberty!

These are historic times and we must be thankful and grateful!

Happy Birthday America. Celebrating July 4th on July 2nd with the US Embassy in the eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish people, Jerusalem!

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