Much has been discussed concerning the mass immigration that has been coming through the porous Mexican border. Actually, it is more of an open border than a border with openings. Although the motives of the Democrat Party in allowing the wholesale flooding of America with as many potential Democrat voters as possible is transparent, that does not necessarily indicate that immigration is bad for America.
Mass immigration from Europe in the latter part of the 19th century was definitely one of the many reasons that America turned into the powerhouse country that it is today. An expanding population is not just a burden on the social services departments of the country. It is also an excellent long-term plan for prosperity and growing opportunity.
The problem is that with the people that are coming in to the United States today in massive waves, there are large amounts of people that are not coming to the United States for the opportunities of the United States. They are coming for the handouts. Worse, all drug enforcement authorities see a direct connection between the mass immigration from the Mexican border and the growth in drug use and addiction.
It’s really not so complicated to see what the goal should be. Let the good guys in. Keep the bad guys out. The problem is figuring out how to properly implement this. A big wall is perhaps a significant step in that direction. But, indeed a comprehensive policy revamp is necessary.
First off, the Democrat supported open border must be voted out of existence. That would mean hiring thousands of border patrol people and finishing the completion of a wall on the southern border. Then, an efficient, yet not too bureaucratic process must be implemented in order to allow in the relatives of citizens more easily and avoid allowing in drug pushers and people with questionable goals.
But most of all, dog sniffers and every trick of fighting against the fentanyl epidemic must be implemented. Otherwise, more and more of America will start to look like southern California.