Muslims Invade Gates of Mercy on Temple Mount

by Avi Abelow

Muslims escalated their battle to control the Temple Mount this week in illegally invading the ancient “Bab el-Rahma,” otherwise known for centuries as the Golden Gate or “Shaar Harachamim”, Gates of Mercy, in Hebrew.

Friday Invasion

Hundreds of Arab rioters arrived Friday for Friday prayers on the Temple Mount, broke through the gates and entered the Sha’ar HaRachamim (Gates of Mercy) compound on the Mount.

They called for incitement against the Jews and broke into a compound that had been closed for 16 years by Israel’s Supreme Court, since it was found out that the terrorist organization Hamas was using the compound. Their screams say it all “with spirit and blood we will redeem Al-Aqsa”.

Unfortunately, the Israeli police did not engage in this illegal activity and allowed the Muslims to remain in the Gates of Mercy compound.

Muslim Riots

Israeli police arrested 60 Arabs on Thursday night who planned to riot on the Temple Mount during Friday prayers. “In light of calls for disturbances in the Friday prayers on the Temple Mount, the police were deployed with reinforced forces to prevent any intention of disturbing the peace process during and outside prayer on the Temple Mount,” the police said.

Ismail Haniya, the Hamas leader, called on the Palestinians to come to the Al-Aqsa Mosque today and march to it from anywhere on the land of “Palestine.”

“I call upon the masses of our people in Al-Quds, the West Bank and the occupied land of 1948 to come to the Al-Aqsa Mosque and gather and hold there, protect it and stand as a strong building in order to thwart the occupation,” Haniya said.

Haniyeh claimed that Israel closed the Gate of Mercy and institutions connected to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in order to impose facts on the ground in preparation for the division of the Temple Mount between Muslims and Jews as part of a gradual takeover of the site.

He called on the Palestinian resistance organizations to defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque “in all possible ways and means.” “The new plots will not succeed, and we will defend the Al-Aqsa Mosque in our souls and in our blood at all costs.”

Gates of Mercy

The original Gates of Mercy, which some archaeologists believe exists right below the Gates of Mercy that the Muslims invaded on Friday, was built either in King Herod’s time, 2,000 years ago, or even earlier, during the Prohphet Nehemiah, around 440 BCE. It is the only gate to the Temple that opens directly into the Temple Plaza. According the Jewish tradition, the High Priest of the Temple would use this gate to enter the Temple and carry out the ancient rituals.

Jewish tradition believes that the Messiah will enter Jerusalem through this gate. This is why experts think that King Suleiman, of the Ottoman Empire, sealed the gate and permited the construction of a Muslim cemetary at its entrace. To stop the Jewish Messiah from coming.

True Peace

As I always say, the first step to peace is for Israel to stop the intolerance, violence and terror of the Muslims on the Temple Mount. The Mount is the holiest site to Judaism, while also holy to Christianity and Islam.

The problem with Islam that the world today ignores, is that the purpose of Islam is to rule the world and subjugate all other peoples and religions. There is no peace with Islam, because Islam does not want peace, it is a culture that wants to control the world in the name of “allah“. Peace in Islam is subjugating all non-Muslims!

The first step necessary to stop the powers of Islam from continuing their intolerance, violence and terror is for the Jewish people to finally take full control of the Temple Mount allowing freedom of religion and prayer for all. Today, only Muslims are allowed to pray on the Mount. Only Muslims are allowed to enter the Mount all hours of the day from all gates. Non-Muslims are only allowed to visit the Mount a few hours a day and through one gate. This appeasement of Islam must end if the world wants to live peacefully. Appeasing the Muslims does not make the world safer, it whets the appetite of the Muslims and makes the world more dangerous.

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