Muslim terrorist stabs worshippers in French Church

by Leah Rosenberg

What a horrendous act in the name of religion while others PRACTICE their religion in a French Church. The third attack in Nice, France in two months!

Attack in a French Church

There have been rising tensions between the Muslims and Europe. Recently, a teacher in a French school showed caricatures of Muhammad in a discussion about free speech. The teacher was then beheaded by a Muslim extremist. A horrific attack! But that was not the end of it. Or the beginning. And the recent attack against worshippers in a French Church is part of the Muslim extremist rampage that has been happening in France and throughout Europe (and the world).

In the name of religion? Preposterous! G-d most definitely does not want people murdering, stabbing, or beheading others in the name of religion.

World leaders must stand strong against radical Islam.

That is what Israel has been trying to do for decades. The Jewish state is threatened by radical Islam on a daily basis. They have to be aware and attentive at every second of the day. Jews have been killed in the name of religion for centuries.

The free world must stand together and stand strong against the dangers that threaten our freedoms and our very existence.

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