Moses and religion shaped America in ways you never knew

by Avi Abelow

To what extent have Judeo-Christian values helped form the United States of America? Yoram Ettinger explains that it runs deep – very deep in the United States of America. As a matter of fact, the founding fathers of the United States and the authors of the Constitution were so enamored with Biblical values that they added verses to the dollar bills and had Biblical content carved into nearly every major federal building, and into countless statues. Yes, statues are important. On this matter, we should all agree – even with the rioters who have defaced and tore down statues.

The prevailing story of the Bible that so many of the founders of the United States were interested in having as a major theme across the country is the story of the Exodus from Egypt. This could be explained as a story of freedom that resonated with the founders as they too fought bravely to attain their freedom from the British Empire. However, it is much deeper than that. The story of the Exodus is the story of God’s deliverance of the Chosen people from bondage, and His Covenant with His people that He will always watch over them. This is a theme that is at the heart of the beliefs of Jews and Christians throughout the world.

In addition, the concept of liberty and freedom is at the heart of the soul of the United States. The Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty are two of the most central icons in the United States of America. On them, there are verses from the Bible.

These twin themes of liberty and freedom are under attack today. The very way of life of the United States of America is under attack – and it is being led by the very people who have the most to gain from freedom and liberty. But in these times, there are more people touting equality of outcome and not equality of opportunity. These are socialist ideas that have led to more suffering and pain than nearly any other ideas in the 20th century. We need to fight the ideas of Godless socialism. A God-inspired freedom-seeking lifestyle has always been at the core of life in the United States. We need to not let it slip away.

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