Mind-Blowing: The Video That Will Change Your View on Jew-Hatred

by Leah Rosenberg

Jew-hatred is not a new phenomenon. It has sadly been around for thousands years. And this perspective about it is a must-hear.

How to View Jew-Hatred

Of course this perspective does not make the pain and fear of Jew-hatred disappear. But it is definitely an important viewpoint to have.

The Jewish people have brought so much light to this world. Look at how much Israel has contributed. It is the one and only Jewish state, and it is just a tiny sliver of land. And yet, so much has come forth from that small area of the world. The Jewish nation has contributed a lot to society. Through the Jewish people and the Bible, G-d brought morals into this world. And those who are against morality hate the Jews. Those who don’t value the Bible and G-d despise the people of Israel.

Enemies of the Jewish people are those who hate the idea of a conscious and of choosing to do good. They have no values of helping the poor and of doing acts of kindness for others. They don’t value life. They value murder and death.

Why is it so hard for some to stand with Israel? Why do they choose to stand with darkness over light; with evil over good? All we can do is continue to spread more light in this world and fulfil G-d’s will. It might not always be easy, but at least we know we are doing the right thing. And that is something that we can say our enemies are most definitely not doing…

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