The IDF returned to Joseph’s Tomb in Shchem last night to help renovate the ransacked shrine and also protect it from further Arab destruction.
The commander of the Samaria Brigade, Col. Roi Zweig-Lavi, issued the following order to his soldiers at the start of the operation: “Today we are embarking on an operation to repair the destruction of Joseph’s tomb. In this place, the land was promised to our forefather Abraham, as it is said, ‘To your seed I shall give this land.’ And we are operating today “with an outstretched arm,’ like our forefathers, about whose exodus from Egypt on Passover–which we’ll celebrate in three days–the scripture says ‘On this very day!’ Not like thieves in the night, but as sons of kings! And so, we merit to restore the honor of the land and the people of Israel. Combat posts start traffic to the city of Shechem.” (Thank you to Uri Gobey for adding the English translated subtitles to the video so everyone can internalize this special, powerful and moment of truth fully.)
Joseph’s Tomb is considered one of the holiest sites to the Jewish people. The Oslo agreement of the 1990s brought the surrounding area into the control of the Palestinian Authority. According to the agreements, freedom of worship was guaranteed to the Jewish people. However, that never materialized and at various points the IDF has had to return and restore order.
Monthly visits to Joseph’s Tomb with IDF escort have been occurring for a while, but that has not been enough to prevent the kind of destruction that occurred the other day.