Jared Kushner Hopes the “Palestinians” Don’t Miss This Opportunity

by Micha Gefen

In an interview with CNN, Jared Kushner speaks about the “Deal of the Century” and despite the push back remains hopeful that the 80 page plan can serve as a real basis for peace. Of course there is always one big question…

The question is: will the “Palestinian” leadership accept the plan or will they do what they have done since the beginning and miss another opportunity?

Kushner states the following in the interview: “So it is a big opportunity for the ‘Palestinians’ and you know they have a perfect track record of blowing every opportunity they have had in their past, perhaps their leadership will read the details of it, stop posturing, and do whats best to try to make the ‘Palestinian” people’s lives better.”

The “Palestinian” Authority has already rejected the plan. Despite this Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has given a green light for Israel to apply its sovereignty over areas they would get in the plan.

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