It’s Time for Jews to Say ‘Sorry, Not Sorry’

by Hillel Fuld

I had a major epiphany as I was sitting in the car for four hours driving back from Eilat.

It’s about to get uncomfortable in here so if you’d prefer to keep your day light and full of cats and rainbows, keep scrolling now.

Over the years, I felt something, a feeling, an emotion, and this feeling made no sense to me, but I felt it so strongly.

The feeling was that the Jews around the world who blatantly support our enemies are worse than our enemies themselves.

There are of course many examples, but to keep it simple, I’m talking about Jews who are ashamed of their identity, Israelis who are ashamed of their country, and then there is the combination of the two, Jews who are ashamed of their country and Israelis who are ashamed of their Jewish identity.

Putting aside if they are worse than our actual enemies or not, I was thinking about it. Why do these people bother me so much? What is it about them and their opinions that get under my skin so badly?

So here’s my epiphany.

These people haven’t gotten the memo that Jews don’t have to be apologetic anymore.

You see, throughout our history, we were always apologizing.

“Sorry, I won’t learn Torah if it offends you, Greeks.”

“Sorry if we destroyed your economy, Germans.”

But that mentality is the old Jew, the apologetic Jew.

It’s not new, it was always our reality, even in the Torah. We sent “Spies” to examine the land before entering it and guess what 10/12 came back saying.

“I’m sorry. They are too strong. We can’t do this. We’re too small. We’re too insignificant. Sorry, but no.”

Today; we no longer have to apologize.

We don’t have to apologize for waving an Israeli flag, for praying on the Temple Mount, for holding a Torah scroll at the western wall, or for living in our land, all of it.

No more apologies necessary.

But these people are constantly apologizing.

“We’re so sorry about the “Occupation.”

“We’re so sorry about those crazy religious people who want my kids to know the foundations of our history, our tradition, and our religion.”

“We’re so sorry about those freaks who want and are willing to fight for every inch of this land.”

“I can be a proud Jew without showing any signs of my Judaism. Judaism isn’t a religion, it’s an ethnicity. I’m a proud Jew because I eat dinner with my family on Friday night. I don’t need to upkeep my tradition. I’d rather hide it. It’s only caused us embarrassment throughout the generations.”

“We are so so sorry.”

“We are so sorry that the citizens of Israel have spoken and democratically elected a right-wing government that realizes that there never was an Arab Palestinian state and there never will be.”

“We’re sorry, America. Please don’t pull your foreign aid. We depend on you.”

“How can we appease you?”

But those days are over.

We are home and some of us are proud to be home, while others are still stuck in the olden days when Jews would turn the other cheek.

Want to know how this self shame manifests? It’s simple. When you are ashamed of who you are, you blame yourself.

You see it all over the place.

As always, Jews are trying to outdo the people of the country in which they reside.

We tried to out-Greek the Greeks, out-Roman the Romans, out-German the Germans. And today, we are trying to out-American the Americans.

So many Jews out there blame Israel for antisemitism. “If only we didn’t “Occupy” the “Palestinians”, there would be no antisemitism.

“If only those ultra Orthodox Jews wouldn’t dress the way they dress and stick to their “primitive ways”, people wouldn’t hate us so much.

Blame the victim. Over and over.

Because we have to constantly apologize for who we are.

But guess what? In every generation, when we, as a nation assimilate at scale, when we try to erase our identity, we are quickly reminded who we are. There is a built in mechanism that reminds us. It’s called antisemitism.

We declare to the world in every generation that we’ll do anything to be like them. We’ll apologize for being different. And then, they’ll remind us who we are and who we will always be, no matter how hard we try to hide it.

Hitler could not care less how religious you were or not. He didn’t care if you were more German than Jewish. To him, and to all the antisemites throughout history, a Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

Today; we live in a world with infinitely more antisemites than Jews. Wrap your head around that. For every one jew in the world; there are probably a thousand Jew haters.

The Jewish population is estimated at 14.8 million. That is 0.19% of the 7.95 billion worldwide population.

Does that sound like a number that should threaten the world?

No. But we do. Because no matter how hard we try to eliminate and extinguish our fire, they simply won’t let us.

They’ll never accept our apology, so it’s time we stop apologizing.

So that’s why I’m so bothered by these people.

We are here. We are here at home, in every inch of our home. And we made it this far because of our tradition. We didn’t have the IDF. All we had was the Torah.

So enough with the apologies, enough with the shame. I get it, it’s built into our DNA after all these many generations of persecution.

It’s not easy to shake it. I get it.

But it’s time.

No occupation to apologize for. No apartheid state to apologize for.

We don’t have to apologize for who we decide we want to lead us.

The government is too right wing for you? You must have confused me for someone who cares about your opinion.

Foreign aid? Go ahead, Biden, try to pull it. Try to boycott Israel, BDS. Go for it, let’s see how that goes for you.

We don’t need you anymore than you need us.

An hour ago, a friend, like an actual friend blocked me on Twitter and removed me from Facebook because I replied to a tweet of his saying that an Israeli politician holding a Torah scroll at the western wall was a “Provocation.”

He didn’t like how proud I am that finally, after thousands of years, Jews can dance with a Torah scroll in public without the fear of being persecuted and murdered.

So he blocked me. 🤷‍♂️

Over the past few months, I’ve been more vocal about antisemitism, and this phenomenon of blaming the victim is everywhere. I’ve seen it first hand.

Just go look at my replies on Twitter or the comments on my TikTok videos.

“Everyone hates the Jews in every country, why do think that is? It must be the Jews’ fault.”

So here, allow me to officially declare the era of the apologetic Jew, dead. It should rest in peace.

Now let me introduce you to a new creature, the proud Jew.

We have a lot to be proud of.

20% of all Nobel prizes were awarded to Jews. We have the most moral army in the world, but even more impressive is how we are able to balance our military power with our unwavering need to behave morally and ethically, sometimes maybe too ethically.

We lead the world in life changing tech. Medicine. Food. You name it. We are at the forefront of it all.

We took a desert that Mark Twain famously referred to as “A hopeless, dreary, heart-broken land” and transformed it into one of the most flourishing societies in the Middle East and the world, and it only took us 75 years. That’s unheard of anywhere else in the world!

So, it’s time we all declared the apologetic Jew as dead and introduced the world to a new breed of Jew, the proud Jew.

If we don’t respect ourselves, how can we expect the world to?

Did you hear about these 330 “Rabbis” who wrote a letter opposing the new government? These are the same “Rabbis” who supported the Iran deal funding Iran’s nuclear weapons program.

All 330 “Rabbis” have never condemned Biden’s alliance with Al Sharpton who led the Crown Heights pogrom killing Yankel Rosenbaum.

All 330 “Rabbis” support Ilhan Omar and Rashida Talib, the antisemites in congress.

“Rabbis” who are ashamed of their Judaism. Some rabbis these are…

To me, that’s what this “Embarrassing” election result represents. Enough with the appeasement of our enemies. We tried that already. It’s time to take care of ourselves and stand proud doing it.

This new government, despite its shortcomings, represents the proud Jew. There has never been more Torah learning than there is right now. That’s something to be proud of. We have never been stronger physically or economically. Be proud!

This new government will support Torah. It will support the land of Israel, all of it! It will support our needs, not the needs of our enemies. Finally!

We have always talked about and prayed for the people of Israel, with the Torah of Israel, in the land of Israel. And now, we have arrived, not yet to the final destination, but we are well on the way.

For that, we, the Jewish people should be proud, not ashamed and apologetic. Ari taught me that.

Or, in other words, sorry, NOT sorry.

Not anymore. Get over it, and the faster you do, the better, because we ain’t going anywhere ever again. 🇮🇱

Originally posted on facebook.

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