This mission will blow your mind. Throughout history, Israel has carried out various missions. Did you know about this one?
The Israeli Mission That Will Leave You in Awe
Everything that Israel has accomplished in its short existence as a modern state is jaw-dropping. The fact that the Jewish people have returned home to their ancient homeland after thousands of years of exile is miraculous. You cannot explain the years following without G-d and the miracles He performed and continues to perform for the Jewish people. The successful wars, the successful missions, and more. The fact that this mission to take out a top terrorist leader was a successful mission is amazing.
Israel has tragically lost many lives during wars and to terrorism. And Israelis mourn those losses. Israelis also see the miracles that take place on a daily basis in the one and only Jewish state. Israelis know how to mourn and remember, and they know how to be thankful and celebrate (as seen by the fact that Israel’s Memorial Day is right before Independence Day).
Some of the successful missions carried out by Israel seem nearly impossible. And yet, they were possible. Israel’s special forces are remarkable. G-d has put a desire in the soul of those protecting Israel to keep the Jewish homeland and the Jewish people safe. That desire makes them capable of seemingly impossible tasks.
With Iran on the verge of getting a nuclear weapon, it could be that Israel will have to carry out another dangerous mission. We don’t know how or when, but let’s hope and pray that whatever happens, G-d will make Israel be successful.