Israel May be on the Verge of a Final Battle of Biblical Proportions

by Leah Rosenberg

We pray for the coming of the Messiah. Things are heating up. We must turn to G-d and Biblical prophecies for answers.

Turning Toward G-d and Biblical Prophecies

The times we are living in can feel scary and uncertain. But if we turn to G-d’s word and the Biblical prophecies and remember that G-d has a plan, it can help us refocus and breathe. Nothing is random.

The prophecies that have come true recently are mind-blowing. Just looking at what happened with the land of Israel and how Biblical prophecies have been fulfilled should instill people with faith and hope. G-d will never abandon His people. Good will prevail over evil – even though it sometimes seems like evil is winning. It ultimately will not.

World leaders should wake up. They should look at the Bible. They should pay attention to history. It’s mind-boggling that they can’t see the truth. How much clearer can it be regarding who is right and who is wrong; who is good and who is evil? How can anyone try to stop Israel from defeating its enemies?

It’s the wrong choice to stand against Israel and G-d. It’s the wrong choice to fight against the Jewish people instead of alongside the Jewish people.

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