Israel Helps Jordanian Rescue Effort from Flash Floods that Kill 21 Children

by Avi Abelow

21 children have already been declared dead due to flash floods in the Jordan valley in Jordan. Israel sent search & rescue teams to help with the rescue. Israel is always available to help every country deal with disasters.

Flash Floods

The Jordan Valley, on both the Israeli and Jordanian sides, is known for flash floods during the winter rainy season. Just a few months ago an Israeli group of teenagers was killed caught in flash floods on the Israeli side. This week a group of Jordanian school children was caught in the flash floods, killing 21.

School Trip

The Jordanian school had a scheduled hike to a different area, hours away from the Dead Sea. Jordanian weather authority had warned against hikes in the Dead Sea area. It is not clear to the Jordanian authorities how or why the school changed plans and went for a hike close to the Dead Sea.

37 school children and other families hiking and picnicking in the area were pulled by the flash floods. 37 were rescued in the rescue efforts, however, 21 school children have already been declared dead.

Some of the children’s bodies were found in the Dead Sea. Rescue efforts included diving in the Dead Sea to search for bodies.

Search and Rescue

Nearly 2,000 search and rescue officials took part in the effort on the shores of Jordan’s Dead Sea resort area. The State of Israel also sent a team, including a number of helicopters to help in the effort.

Israel is Always One Call Away

Israel is known to be on call and send experts to any disaster anywhere in the world. Sometimes Israel sends search and rescue professionals, sometimes medical experts and sometimes equipment. It all depends upon the needs of the disaster situation.

Just this week Israel sent a team of trauma experts to Pittsburgh to assist the community deal with the aftermath of the massacre in the Tree of Life Synagogue.

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