Israel Attacks Iranian Weapons Shipment in Syria

by Leah Rosenberg

The Israeli airforce bombed an Iranian weapons shipment in Syria. Israel will NOT allow Iran to gain strength in Syria.

Israel Strikes Iranian Weapons Shipment

This is not the first time Israel has struck Syria to stop Iran, and it probably won’t be the last. A war monitor said that five pro-Iran militiamen were killed in Israel’s strike against the Iranian weapons shipments. Syrian state media said that two Syrian soldiers were injured.

Israel will continue to defend itself and stop Iran and those who are helping Iran.

If the world wants peace in the Middle East, they need to focus on the real aggressors and stop focusing on the state of Israel. Maybe they should start by working to stop Iran. Hezbollah. Syria. Hamas. The list goes on. But by placing so much attention unnecessarily on Israel, they allow the real culprits to get away with murder. Literally.

It is time the world woke up. Israel is fighting the fight for the entire world. Maybe more countries should join together with Israel in fighting the evil of the world instead of condemning Israel for all the good it does. Maybe then we will see real changes – changes that will bring about a better, more secure future.

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