What is the Islamic perspective on Christmas and Santa Claus.? This parody will have you on the floor. Or perhaps it will insult you. I personally found it to be hilarious, but also a bit sad. Sad – but true.
In this classic parody, the fake character, Mr. Tawil Fadiha, stars as the Minister for Uncontrollable Rage. He dresses up as Santa Claus and discusses what it is like to be a Christian in a Muslim controlled city like Bethlehem.
The song , Jihad Bells, Jihad Bells is a fantastic humorist creation of the perspective of the Islamic world to the Christian religion.
Latma Parody
The idea behind the Latma parody show is brilliant. There are so many things in the Middle East that are so ridiculous. However, so many people treat them as if they are normal. To point out the absurd, parody is often the best tactic.
Saturday Night Live has often played a central role in explaining the absurd situations that we live in. This is the closest thing in Israel to Saturday Night Live. It is no longer on the air, but some of their episodes are pure gems.
The very idea of a Minister for Uncontrollable Rage is brilliant. That is so common when an Arab spokesman gets up to represent the Arab point of view on Israel. The logic seems to never be the dominant part of the argument. They key is the anger.
If you are looking for a politically correct show, search elsewhere.
Latma’s parody is a breath of fresh air in the midst of a sea of ridiculous news reporting.