Is Climate Change A Smokescreen for Marxism?

by Ezequiel Doiny

On August 27, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “Greece’s catastrophic wildfire has taken a disturbing turn as police authorities have arrested 79 individuals on charges of arson. These suspects are being held responsible for deliberately setting fires that have caused widespread devastation across the country.  Greece has witnessed several attempts by arsonists to spark new fires amidst the ongoing wildfires, perhaps in an attempt to blame it on climate change…”

Greece arrested 79 individuals on charges of arson, perhaps in an attempt to blame it on climate change. Is this what happened in Maui, 

Yellowknife and Tenerife?

On August 25, 2023 Richard Abelson wrote in the Gateway Pundit “The leftist media rushed to blame a series of devastating wildfires on “climate change”. Arson was involved in several cases, however, leading some observers to question the possible motives for the spate of blazes.  

“Terrrible tragedy struck the city of Lahaina on Maui on Aug. 8, with at least 114 dead and 1000 people still missing, including many children. Speaking on Daily Wire, pundit Michael Knowles said that arson is “the most likely culprit … apparently, in the mind of Hawaiian officials.”  “For years now, people have intentionally set fires all over Maui. As Maui Mayor Michael Victorino noted just last year, fire and police suspect someone is intentionally setting them. Just a couple weeks ago, Hawaiian police responded to two fires on Maui. One started by an unattended cooking fire, the other, apparently, intentionally set. Shortly after which point, according to investigators, quote, a male operating a green all-terrain vehicle was seen leaving the area.”

“Last week, on August 16, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police stated they had “charged four female youths with arson” after major wildfires around Yellowknife, Northwest Territory, Canada…

“Spanish authorities also blamed wildfires on the tourist island of Teneriffe on arson, as AP News reported: “Canary Islands regional President Fernando Clavijo said Sunday that police have confirmed that a wildfire raging on the Spanish tourist island of Tenerife was started deliberately. Clavijo said police had opened three lines of investigation but did not say if there had been any arrests…”

“According to Greek authorities, wildfires on the islands of Rhodes and Corfu were also due to arson. Vassilis Vathrakogiannis, from the Rhodes Fire Department, said: “Fires are set by human hands. Whether it is due to negligence or fraud will be seen (but) people have been summoned for statements and others will be summoned.”  

“Who would do such a thing?”, Knowles asked. “We can’t say for certain who might have done it here, but we can say for certain the answer to who would do such a thing. And the answer is environmentalists, because the Department of Homeland Security has observed for decades that radical environmentalists constantly start fires all over the country. Between 1995 and 2010, environmentalist groups set off at least 239 arsons and bombings in the United States. They do this because people are not taking the theoretical threat of climate change seriously enough, so they make that theoretical threat practical by setting the fires themselves. It’s not just the environmentalists. This is what leftists always do. This is how all ideologues behave when their theories don’t line up with reality…”

On August 15, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “A Maui resident has told several news outlets “the water shut off” while he and other members of the Maui community were battling fires.  Ross Hart, a resident of Maui, stated while he was battling fires with his hose alongside neighbors and firefighters, the water shut off.  Hart told the New York Times, “You can’t fight fire when you don’t have water… Just throwing dirt on it doesn’t cut it.”

“…Firefighter Keahi Ho, who was battling the deadly fire in Lahaina, offered a similar story and stated, “There was just no water in the hydrants…”

On August 22, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “A licensed drone operator in Maui says his drone was grounded and he was visited by “government officials” because he flew his drone over the suspected origin site of the massive fire that ravaged Lahaina, Maui, killing over 100 and leaving around 1000 people unaccounted for, including many children.  This is one more incident of government secrecy that has caused great concern by residents…”

On August, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “Activists and Members of Congress Are Exploiting the Hawaii Fire, Urging Biden to Declare a ‘National Emergency Over Climate Change’

It seems environmentalists are starting fires because they claim people are not taking the theoretical threat of climate change seriously enough. Environmentalists are trying to falsely magnify climate change to use it as an excuse to push their leftist agenda. 

Part B

On July 4, 2022 I wrote in IsraelUnwired 


Leftists are using the excuse of fighting “climate change” to promote Marxism.

Here are some examples of how “climate change” is used to promote Marxism. There are parallels with what Stalin did with the kulaks. 


Is Biden targeting small businesses the same way Stalin targeted the Kulaks during the holodomor? Biden is not only targeting small business truckers, he is also targeting family farms. Biden’s Kulaks? 

What do small business truckers and family farms have in common? They are mostly owned by white republicans. It seems to be a strategy to promote marxism, take from part of the population to give to others.

On April 17, 2023 Madeline Coggins wrote in Fox Business “The trucking industry is sounding the alarm on consequential ripple effects of the Biden administration’s latest move in the electric vehicle push. While critics have voiced concerns about the EPA’s recent emissions regulations, the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association (OOIDA), a trade organization that represents small business truckers, warns the restrictions are dangerous and threaten small businesses and the overall U.S. economy.  

“It’s been our history with experience with EPA that the regulations that they come up with tend to be… not all that practical when it comes to how they actually will work on the road,” OOIDA President Todd Spencer told Fox News Digital. 

 “Spencer’s fear is the new regulations are being pushed through mandates that have not addressed the side effects or considered additional ramifications such as costs and efficiency.   

“…On Wednesday, the Biden White House announced aggressive regulations for tailpipe emissions as part of its sweeping climate agenda and efforts to push Americans to buy electric vehicles (EVs).

 “The tailpipe emissions regulations will impact light-duty and heavy-duty vehicles alike. The new standards for heavy-duty trucks, specifically, aim to reduce carbon emissions for trucks beginning with model year 2027.  

“…Spencer said, historically, new restrictions from the EPA “significantly increase costs” for equipment and operations. What’s more, they can “undermine reliability” which could be detrimental to the overall supply chain.    

“…It’s estimated that businesses would have to pay thousands to purchase zero-emission vehicles (ZEV).  

“Some smaller trucking companies say the new EPA standards could drive them out of the business.

“For a small business, any kind of problem that comes along that can shut you down, that can disable you for anywhere from a few days to maybe even a few weeks, it can put you out of business really, really, really quickly,” Spencer said. “We certainly see the potential for these new proposed rules to have the exact same or maybe even a far worse impact on the operations of small business truckers.”

  “The restrictions announced Wednesday come on the heels of regulations on nitrogen oxide pollution which raised similar concerns for small business truckers.    

“Andrew John of the John N John Trucking Company warned that the costs associated with the nitrogen oxide standards could kill many mom-and-pop trucking businesses. “They go out of business,” John said on “Varney & Co” last month. “They go out of business, and we all know how important small businesses are to the economy.”   

 “John stressed that the standards could cost thousands of dollars per vehicle but that there would also be other costs associated with the new technology, maintenance, and operations that many small businesses can’t afford. The latest emissions rules continue to put pressure on small businesses with little cost incentives or government aid. Spencer feared these rules could put truckers out of business…”

Biden is not only targeting small business truckers, he is also targeting family farms.

On May 20, 2023 the Gateway Pundit reported “John Kerry is targeting family farms. The Biden regime’s climate czar says farms produce too much greenhouse gases. He wants that to stop in order to combat the climate “crisis.” Farms also happen to produce food. Kerry is not worried about that. The global elites are not worried about that. 

 “Recently, the Netherlands announced they were shutting down family farms to combat global warming. Tough luck if you happen to own one of the farms or work at the farms. This insanity comes at the same time Europe is seeing it highest inflation in decades. The Dutch Government announced they will close up to 3,000 farms to comply with their global warming goals…”

 The World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” (which Biden is implementing) is Neo Marxism packaged in a way that if you oppose it you either want to destroy the environment or you are a racist. Supporters of the World Economic Forum and sympathizers of the Fabian Society are using the façade of “Climate Change” to subvert democracies worldwide and impose a “Great Reset” to eradicate national frameworks and create globalist, borderless, godless, neo-marxist, multicultural, open societies. The destruction of the centrality of the US dollar in the Global Financial System and the transfer of Economic Power to the IMF is key in the Globalist’s strategy. They are using “Climate Change” as a cover to replace democracy and capitalism with a neo-marxist global tyranny.

 Former Secretary of State John Kerry – Biden’s special presidential envoy for climate declared that “the Biden administration will support the Great Reset and that the Great Reset “will happen with greater speed and with greater intensity than a lot of people might imagine…” 

The Biden Regime claims they embraced the “Great Reset” to fight Climate Change but it will have no actual environmental benefit. On January 21, 2021 the Epoch Times reported “Rejoining the Paris climate agreement as it stands now will have devastating economic consequences for the United States, with little actual environmental benefit, according to experts… “Because there is really no teeth to the Paris climate accord, developing countries are getting a free pass in terms of their emissions…It’s likely that the Paris climate accord is not going to reach its intended goal.”  

“…Anthony Watts, senior research fellow of environment and climate at The Heartland Institute, said according to their analysis, the agreement would cost the United States “about 2.7 million jobs by 2025 due to scaling back parts of industries. Now that would have been about 440,000 manufacturing jobs that we would have lost.”

The goal of the “Great Reset” is not to fight climate change, the goal is to destroy the American economy and the centrality of the US Dollar in the Global Financial System, the goal is to transfer power to the IMF (PLEASE READ MY ARTICLE “CLIMATE CHANGE” IS A TROJAN HORSE.” IN THE LINK BELOW) 

This strategy goes hand in hand with the open border policy following the Cloward- Piven plan to force Marxism in America as explained in this article.

Biden’s deliberate destruction of the American economy to impose Marxism seems to be inspired in what Stalin did to Ukraine during the holodomor. 

The University of Minesota described the holodomor “…By the end of the 1920s, Soviet leader Joseph Stalin consolidated his control over the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Feeling threatened by Ukraine’s strengthening cultural autonomy, Stalin took measures to destroy the Ukrainian peasantry and the Ukrainian intellectual and cultural elites to prevent them from seeking independence for Ukraine.

” To prevent “Ukrainian national counterrevolution,” Stalin initiated mass-scale political repressions through widespread intimidation, arrests, and imprisonment. Thousands of Ukrainian intellectuals, church leaders, and Ukrainian Communist Party functionaries who had supported pro-Ukrainian policies were executed by the Soviet regime. At the same time, Stalin decreed the First Five Year Plan, which included the collectivization of agriculture, effectively ending the NEP.

” Collectivization gave the Soviet state direct control over Ukraine’s rich agricultural resources and allowed the state to control the supply of grain for export. Grain exports would be used to fund the USSR’s transformation into an industrial power. The majority of rural Ukrainians, who were independent small-scale or subsistence farmers, resisted collectivization. They were forced to surrender their land, livestock and farming tools, and work on government collective farms (kolhosps) as laborers. Historians have recorded about 4,000 local rebellions against collectivization, taxation, terror, and violence by Soviet authorities in the early 1930s. 

“The Soviet secret police (GPU) and the Red Army ruthlessly suppressed these protests. Tens of thousands of farmers were arrested for participating in anti-Soviet activities, shot, or deported to labor camps. The wealthy and successful farmers who opposed collectivization were labeled “kulaks” by Soviet propaganda (“kulak” literally means “a fist”). They were declared enemies of the state, to be eliminated as a class.

” The elimination of the so-called “kulaks” was an integral part of collectivization. It served three purposes: as a warning to those who opposed collectivization, as a means to transfer confiscated land to the collective farms, and as a means to eliminate village leadership. Thus, the secret police and the militia brutally stripped “kulaks” not only of their lands but also their homes and personal belongings, systematically deporting them to the far regions of the USSR or executing them. These mass repressions, along with manipulation of state-controlled grain purchases and collectivization through the destruction of Ukrainian rural community life, set the stage for the total terror – a terror by hunger, the Holodomor…

“…In 1932 and 1933, millions of Ukrainians were killed in the Holodomor, a man-made famine engineered by the Soviet government of Joseph Stalin. The primary victims of the Holodomor (literally “death inflicted by starvation”) were rural farmers and villagers, who made up roughly 80 percent of Ukraine’s population in the 1930s. While it is impossible to determine the precise number of victims of the Ukrainian genocide, most estimates by scholars range from roughly 3.5 million to 7 million…”

Is Biden targeting small businesses the same way Stalin targeted the Kulaks during the holodomor? Biden is not only targeting small business truckers, he is also targeting family farms.

Is Biden the Stalin of our times? 

Part C: today American officials are deliberately betraying their nation and sabotaging American economic power.

American officials are not defending the interests of the American people but those of the globalists who are trying to impose Marxism in America.

There are four pillars in the globalists’ strategy to impose Marxism in America: IMF, CRT, IRS, ESG

C1. Critical Race Theory (CRT) is Race Marxism

One of the founders of the BLM movement described herself as a trained Marxist.

 James Lindsey’s book “Race Marxism” explains “Critical Race Theory is a reinvention of an older, terrible idea, Marxism, using race “as the central construct for understanding inequality” in place of economic class. That is, Critical Race Theory is Race Marxism. The evidence of this claim is so overwhelming upon even casual examination that it is a shock that it isn’t immediately plain to everyone who encounters it. Therefore, this book by James Lindsay, the leading investigator of Critical Race Theory, serves less to make the case that Critical Race Theory is Race Marxism and more to serve as a long permission slip to the public to call Critical Race Theory what it plainly is.  Race Marxism exists to tell the truth about Critical Race Theory in unprecedented clarity and depth. Across its six weighty chapters, Lindsay explains what Critical Race Theory is, what it believes, where it comes from, how it operates, and what we can do about it now that we know what we’re dealing with. It exposes Critical Race Theory for what it is by ranging widely across its own literature and a survey of some of the darkest philosophical currents of the last three hundred years in Western thought. Readers will come away understanding Critical Race Theory and be able to speak the truth about it with authority: Critical Race Theory is Race Marxism, and, like all Marxist Theories before it, it will not work this time.”

Listen to James Lindsey podcast explaining that CRT is “Race Marxism” below:

This strategy goes hand in hand with the open border policy following the Cloward- Piven plan to force Marxism in America as explained in this article.

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