In Memory of the “Chaz”: Sherwood Goffin Doing What He Loved – Singing

by Avi Abelow

Having grown up in Lincoln Square Synagogue, I was blessed to hear Chazan Sherwood Goffin every Shabbat in shul.

I have wonderful memories that will stay with me forever. Bar Mitzvah lessons in his office, Havdalah every Motzei Shabbat, all of his tefilot every Shabbat, teaching me the Mussaf prayer (that he NEVER did with other kids) that I still use today, his wonderful concerts, Shabbat meals of our family together and most importantly his wonderful, warm and loving personality that came out in every moment of his life. His neshoma and his live music will be missed. Here are two of the more famous songs associated with the Chaz. Enjoy keeping his memory alive through his music and his midot.

The Chaz & Rabbi Riskin Singing Together

This was a favorite that the Chaz and Rabbi Riskin used to love singing together, “A Sukkalah“. Truthfully, the Chaz used to sing the words in Yiddish and Rabbi Riskin used to repeat it in the English translation.

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