I’m Very Bothered by the Censorship of Critical Covid Information

by Avi Abelow

I have been following the flow of information regarding the corona/covid-19 virus since the beginning. Back in April 2020, I had the opportunity to interview Dr. Vladamir Zelenko who introduced the hydroxychloroquine solution for early diagnosed patients, a solution that has saved lives all around the world.

Since then, I must be honest, I have been very bothered by the censorship of media, government, and social media regarding a number of aspects of the information connected with the virus, some of which I exhibit in the video. One of the examples I discuss is a recent Johns Hopkins University video presentation on CDC data which was afterward then deleted from their own youtube channel.

I must be honest, sometimes I do not know what or whom to believe. But I do feel something is wrong if certain information is being censored.

I don’t have any conclusions, I’m just raising some logical questions that are not being raised, but should be, for the benefit of all of us. Check out this video I produced raising my concerns.

See comments on original facebook post.

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