IDF Soldier & Police Officer Survive Car-Ramming Attack in Shomron

by Avi Abelow

This morning an Arab Muslim in the Shomron hills rammed his car into an IDF officer and police officer on duty in at the Tapuach intersection. After the ramming attack, he exited his car with a knife and tried to attack them. The IDF soldier and police officer were lightly wounded in the attack and evacuated to a hospital for medical treatment.  Thankfully, the police officer responded with fire and neutralized the terrorist.

This is just another in a long line of continuing terror attacks. Unfortunately, while Israel has a strong and feared army, the government of Israel and IDF are continuously afraid to do what is necessary to put an end to these types of terror attacks. Terrorrists continue to receive pay to slay reward salaries from the Palestinian Authority, jail conditions are a joke, with terrorists and murderers able to receive countless of privileges, even the ability to study for advanced university degrees, and the houses of terrorists are hardly ever destroyed, due to a hyper-progressive Supreme Court and justice system that cares more for the rights of terrorists and their families, than for the rights of innocent Israelis to live and not live in fear of terror.
Israel can and will beat the 100 year terror war we are up against. We are just waiting for the leadership that will lead us to do what is necessary – to stop the terror, end the facade that the two-state solution is a solution, whereas it is really a step towards the destruction of Israel, speak out loud and clear that the palestinian authority and Hamas are enemies, not peace partners and make the changes necessary to the justice system and upper echelons of the army, to actually act on law and justice instead of progressive ideologies.
This will all happen. Israeli public opinion is coming to understand all of those things, to the shock and anger of the leftist mainstream media.  It is all a matter of time.  
I just hope and pray that it all happens sooner than later. But it will happen.

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