Senior citizens deal with a variety of aging and medical challenges every day of their life. This clip features a new advance that can assist a great number of the golden age group. This Israeli hero served as a medic while defending Israel back in the War of Independence in 1948. Now, in her advanced stage of life, she needs to deal with multiple physical and emotional challenges. New advances show how the Music and Memory program assists senior citizens. And for her devotion and contribution to her people, she deserves the very best.
How does the Music and Memory program work?
This organization brings personalized music to senior citizens through digital music technology. This improves their quality of life significantly. They train nursing home staff and other professionals, as well as family caregivers, on how to create and provide personalized playlists. The result is that those who struggle with Alzheimer’s, dementia and other cognitive and physical challenges reconnect with the world through music-triggered memories.
Here are some therapeutic benefits of music
1. Music brings happiness to people with advanced dementia.
2. Music offers an enjoyable, fulfilling activity for people on dialysis or who are bed-bound.
3. Music increases cooperation and attention, and reduces resistance to care. This is great for everyone in the area.
4. Music reduces agitation.
5. Music enhances engagement and socialization. Therefore, this makes a calmer social environment.
6. Some claim that music therapy helps reduce reliance on anti-psychotic medications.
Music as a Trigger
However, perhaps the greatest advantage of music therapy is none of the above. Favorite music or songs associated with important personal events may act as triggers. They may trigger memories of lyrics and the experience connected to the music. For example, a person may associate a certain song with weddings they attended years ago. Then at an advanced stage of life, suffering from dementia and memory loss, they may hear the song again. At this time, the song may evoke positive memories of the weddings, despite the challenges of dementia. Additionally, favorite music often calms chaotic brain activity. It allows the listener to focus on the present moment and regain a connection with others.
Body and Soul
We all know how powerful music can be. It can heal the body and heal the soul. Hence, using music as a method of treatment for senior citizens is a wonderful thing. It will hopefully help many people emotionally and physically in ways that traditional medicine cannot. And because it is just simple music, there should hopefully be no negative side effects.