Houthi-Terrorist Minister of Health Blames America for Covid-19

by Avi Abelow

The Yemenite Houthi rebels are backed by Iran in its war against the Saudi Arabian-backed Yemen government. The Houthis have even directly attacked locations in Saudi Arabia.

Should the Houthi Rebels be Blacklisted?

The Trump administration, under Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, designated the Houthi rebels a terror organization.

Currently, the Biden administration is looking into remove the “terrorist” designation from the Houthis in order to allow for sending humanitarian aid to the country.

Humanitarian concerns are also important, but so are the concerns that the Houthi terrorists are killing innocent lives.

It does not help that they are also Iranian backed and extremely anti-American, as expressed by the Minister in the video.

The fact that this group is backed by Iran, the world’s top state sponsor of terror, really says it all.

Let’s see how the Biden administration decides on how to proceed with dealing with this Iranian backed terrorist group.

The Iranians, Houthis, Saudi Arabians and many others are following this developing situation closely.

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