Hilarious: Even the Aliens Are Mocking Leftist Insanity

by Phil Schneider

There is an urgent need to do exactly what this Babylon Bee skit does – bring out the insanity of the progressive left with humor.

There is a massive jump that has gone on in the world. The norms have gone from respecting people’s PERSONAL choices for lifestyles to forcing down the throats of the entire Western world lifestyles that are NOT alternative. They are wackos who have declared war on the very essence of truth and lies. It is the jump from open-minded liberalism to Marxist progressive totalitarianism. They are actually polar opposites, but many Democrats haven’t noticed.

This is not a movement like the 60’s that grew alongside the deadly cost of the Vietnam War, and then died down as the War gradually came to an end. This is an anti-G-d movement that places one value above all – doing whatever the hell anyone feels like doing. Yes, it must be said clearly. This is indeed chaotic, anarchistic, and anti-order – no matter what the cost. It is all about elevating the individual at the expense of ALL other values. And it will bring down the Western world if it is not checked.

This must be battled with humor, satire, and anything that effectively points out the absurdity of it all. It is not getting absurd. It is completely bonkers already. For nearly 6,000 years, there were two genders. Only in the last decade have children been taught that there are tens of genders, and there is no difference between choosing a flavor in an ice cream store and choosing a gender.

The War on the Culture is on and it is the war over the basic building blocks of our way of life. It will be won or lost via the smart phones in children’s pockets that play powerful messages that resonate with young boys and girls in high school. It is a battle of truth vs. lies, reality vs. fiction, G-d vs. atheism, light vs. darkness.

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