Can you believe that Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks, may his memory be for a blessing, gave this powerful Israel speech more than two decades ago?
A Must-Hear Israel Speech
This Israel speech by one of the greatest Jewish philosophers and theologians Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks is a speech that everyone has to hear. He nailed it. And the thing is, much of this speech could have been said today. With anti-Israel sentiment spreading throughout the world and the constant lies about the one and only Jewish state, Rabbi Sacks’ words are very pertinent and powerful.
Israel is about peace and love. The Jewish nation would love to live peacefully side by side with its neighbors. Israel has an army to defend itself. Its goal is not to kill. But when it needs to defend itself and its people, it will use its weapons. Our enemies, on the other hand, use their weapons to kill – not to defend. This has always been the case. It is mind-boggling that the world cannot accept this truth. The world pressures Israel to make peace with terrorists instead of pressuring terrorists to put down their weapons. They allow Israel’s enemies to literally get away with murder!
Rabbi Sacks made points here that the entire world needs to hear. This speech might have been said 20 years ago, but sadly, the “Palestinian” Arabs and their leaders have not changed their ways. The world needs to wake up to the truth. It’s so, so clear. Why can’t they see it?
Israel will continue to be the good force standing up to the vicious face of evil.