Gaza: We Warned You Then. Listen to Us Now

by Avi Abelow

This video is from the summer of 2005, when a Jewish man, an IDF officer, was being expelled from his home in Gush Katif, Gaza. At the time, the Israeli security establishment ignored reality and convinced the Israeli public that handing over Gaza to our Arab Muslim neighbors and making in Jew-free by destroying all 21 Jewish communities in Gaza, and expelling 10,000 Jews from their homes there, would bring peace. Half of the country was against the plan, warning how dangerous it would be.

Listen to what this man said then, and then listen to what he says today!

While Biden, the US State Department, other Western governments and the United Nations try to stop us from properly defending ourselves and defeating our Arab Muslim palestinazi enemy in Gaza, they will fail.

The Jewish people are now driven to do what is necessary, everything that is necessary, to end this evil that we have been forced to live with. We will be returning to resettle Jewish communities throughout the Gaza strip, as we had after 1967-2005. Only by a Jewish presence in Gaza will we be able to protect all of Israel. Only those Arab Muslims who are interested in living peacefully with us will be allowed to live there. All the rest will be allowed to leave, hopefully by international aid for emigration and resettlement in other places in the world, just as the United Nations does for other peoples in the world.

We might not be successful in doing all this now, but the process has begun. There is no turning back and returning to the misguided strategy of “controlling the conflict”. No more. Now, the Jewish people will force our leaders to end the conflict with our evil palestinazi enemy in Gaza, Judea and Samaria.

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