Former Muslim from Gaza Gives the World Grave Warning About Hamas

by Leah Rosenberg

Do you want to know how children grow up in Gaza? Do you want to know what life is like there? This man knows – because he experienced it.

Life in Gaza

It’s true – there are some innocent people in Gaza. But those are the ones who swim against the tide. If children are growing up being brainwashed to murder Jews from a young age even in Math class, then every new generation of Muslim Arabs growing up in Gaza is trained to become vicious terrorists. And as Dor Shachar said here, this indoctrination takes place at UNRWA schools. The UN is responsible for breeding murderers as has been proved time and time again.

It’s amazing that Shachar did not listen to all of this hate and brainwashing. It’s amazing that he knew something wasn’t right.

But sadly, many Muslim Arabs just go along with what they are taught. It’s a terrifying reality. And until the world wakes up to that truth, how can we defeat this ideology?

Much of the world is trying to stop Israel from defeating Hamas and defeating the ideology that had Hamas and Gazan civilians murdering 1200 Israeli men, women, and children on October 7. Hamas and Gazan civilians are still holding Israeli hostages and the bodies of murdered Israelis. What a sickening culture! It’s time for the world to support Israel in the destruction of Hamas and the brainwashing that takes place in Gaza and under the Palestinian Authority! And the fact that America is not fully supportive of Israel right now is shocking. As Dor Shachar said in this video – they are also screaming death to America. The whole freedom-loving world needs to wake up.

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