Every Uplifting Jewish Music Classic Was Put Together for This Powerful Music Video 

by Leah Rosenberg

One of the most inspiring Jewish music videos you will ever see. This is the only playlist you need to keep your day positive!

The Jewish Music Video That You’ll Absolutely Love

This isn’t just any regular Jewish music video. There is something unique and special about this one. Not only is the music some of the best out there, but the video footage and images are inspiring beyond words. They are powerful and will touch your soul.

The nation of Israel has been persecuted, stomped upon, and murdered over the course of history. They have experienced horrific pogroms, exiles, the Holocaust, and more. And yet, the Jewish people not only still exist, but they are strong and united. They are determined. It is absolutely mind-boggling if you really take time to think about it. Even if the Jewish nation wasn’t totally physically annihilated, you would expect them to give up. You would expect them to throw in the towel and pick another religion. But no, not G-d’s chosen people. G-d’s chosen people stay strong in faith. They trust in G-d that everything is for a reason. The Jewish people rebuilt their ancient homeland. There is no such concept as giving up when it comes to fighting to protect the Jewish people and the Jewish homeland.

So many “great” nations existed, tried to destroy the Jewish people, and then they themselves disappeared. What makes Hamas think they will be any different than the Jewish enemies over the course of thousands of years? Jews have faced evil before and won every time. They are not about to lose now. The Jewish people are an eternal nation. We have an eternal covenant with G-d!

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