Douglas Murray’s Bombshell Prediction That Has Shaken Up the World

by Leah Rosenberg

Wnston Churchill is known as a unique statesman who seemed to fit the time he lived in like a glove. The free world needed an eloquent and tough-as-nails statesman to counter the German threat to take over the entire world. For years, it seemed like Churchill was holding on to Europe’s chances of defeating Germany by a thread. But in the end, he prevailed on FDR and between the US, Soviet Union and England, Germany’s attempt at taking over much of the free world fell apart. 

Today, the threat to the free world by various groups – that seemingly have little in common – is ongoing. Radical Islamists and woke progressives have joined forces in what is perhaps the most absurd partnership. They have different goals, opposite philosophies on life, and if they would sit and talk to each other in one room, they would probably hate each other’s guts and kill each other. 

The partnership between the woke progressives and radical Islamists is not a formal partnership. But in certain instances, such as the protests on college campuses, the two groups have merged into an unholy alliance. Douglas Murray seems born for exactly the time we live in. He doesn’t just break down the absurdities of each group. He understands exactly why they seem to work together and knows how to verbalize the existential threat that they pose.

The times we live in demand courage. They demand people who are willing to stand up and say the truth when it is unpopular. It is a time when heroes will distinguish themselves from those who are unwilling to take stands. The world needs it, and Douglas Murray is perhaps the best spokesman today for what is true and good in today’s day and age.  

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