Democratic politician finally slams the BDS Movement and antisemitism

by Leah Rosenberg

Although Chuck Schumer has not always stood up this way for the truth, this speech is strong! Defending Israel should have nothing to do with politics.

Chuck Schumer Stands Up for Israel

Chuck Schumer makes it clear that people like Ilhan Omar as well as other Democratic politicians are unapologetic antisemites who hate of Israel. And although Democrats and Republicans are more divided than ever, one thing is non-negotiable: The support of the Jewish state.

There is no reason that someone who supposedly defends American values would not also defend Israel. Israel and America share values! They are allies and friends. And Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and others are clearly not defenders of Israel OR America!

The BDS Movement

The other aspect that Schumer discusses is the way the BDS Movement targets Israel and demonizes it. Although it takes on a new name, boycotting the Jewish people is not a new phenomenon. It has nothing to do with Israel. It has to do with Jews – and it is antisemitic. They blame Israel as a shameful excuse for their antisemitism. These BDS supporters just want to destroy the Jewish nation. They are just trying to start with the Jewish state. As Schumer points out, it has nothing to do with disagreeing with the policies in Israel. It has to do with the fact that these antisemites do not want a Jewish state AT ALL!

Standing up for Israel is not just a good thing, it is the right thing. It is the only thing.

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