Congressman Lee Zeldin responded to Ilhan Omar perfectly. Omar claims she was speaking “honestly,” but that is a lie. Does she ever speak the truth?
Congressman Zeldin Slams Omar
All Ilhan Omar has done since she has somehow gained a spot in the US Congress is attack Israel and the Jews. (Oh, and America). She has spread lies about the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Omar has compared Israel to Iran and to Nazi Germany. And yet she claims that she speaks with “honesty.” Congressman Omar has never apologized for her antisemitism. In fact, she plays the racist card instead of apologizing. She just claims that people have Islamophobia.
It is enough! Too many of America’s Congressmen and Congresswoman will not condemn her. But Congressman Lee Zeldin is willing to blast her for her dishonesty and antisemitism. And boy, does it sound good!
Lee Zeldin Defends Israel
Congressman Lee Zeldin tweeted: Israel is our best ally in the Mid East; a beacon of hope, freedom & liberty, surrounded by existential threats. Shame on Rep @Ilhan Omar for bringing her hateful twist on that reality to House Foreign today, propping up the BDS movement & blaming Israel for all of its challenges.
If so many others refuse to stand up for Israel and the truth, at least we can count on Congressman Zeldin!