Confused? Everything About the Judicial Reform Crisis Explained

by Leah Rosenberg

Everyone is talking about it. And not only in Israel. What is going on with this judicial reform crisis that Israel is facing?

Everything You Need to Know About Israel’s Judicial Reform

People are so misinformed. They think they know what’s happening in Israel, but they have no idea. This video really explains everything that’s going on with the judicial reform crisis that’s flooding the news headlines.

The Left has done a good PR job of making it seem like the Right is taking away democracy. But that is the farthest thing from the truth. What currently takes place now in Israel in the Supreme Court is completely against democracy. Israel’s Supreme Court acts in a way that is so far from democracy, it is actually terrifying. People need to know the facts. The Right in Israel is not trying to take away anyone’s human rights. The judicial reform will further ensure the rights of all its citizens. It will further ensure that the IDF can protect Israel and the Jewish people.

The facts are clear. Maybe some people don’t know the facts. But once people learn them, they should realize that a judicial reform is not bad for the state of Israel – quite the opposite. If after watching this video people still think there should not be any type of judicial reform, then it is clear that they do not want what’s best for Israel and its citizens, but they only care about keeping the Left as powerful as possible.

Let’s pray that people wake up to the truth.

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