Nobody likes when the wool is pulled over their eyes. CNN has been doing this from the very beginning of the Biden administration ( and beforehand too). They refuse to say what everybody knows. The economy began to tank in 2021- quickly – due to Democrat policies of big government.
Honest Democrats will say that it is worthwhile to tank the economy a bit in order to level out the playing field. But dishonest Democrats will argue that the economy is doing just fine. They will say that gas prices are going down. That’s the same thing as a person who gains 100 pounds and then loses 10 pounds saying that they are going in the right direction.
The problem is that the same policies that led to the 10 pound loss led to the 100 pound gain. So, the big picture is clear – a gain of 90 pounds. The dietitian and the patient are not succeeding. They are getting bigger. That is what has happened to the American government. It has become so bloated with spending that the economy has faltered. Energy dependence on dangerous and unreliable countries has become the new norm and America’s economy, stock market, and general direction are all pointing downward.
But despite reports of changes in CNN, they have not made the radical changes necessary to get back into the mainstream. Fox News, a generally pro-Republican network had more than a handful of show hosts who gave President Trump and other Republicans a hard time in interviews. Sean Hannity’s unwavering support of Donald Trump stood out. Hannity never had a bad word to say about Donald Trump. But others criticized – occasionally. Therefore, people are more comfortable receiving their news from Fox News. Fox News may not be as fair and balanced as they claim, but compared to CNN, they are way more impartial. That explains the deep shift from CNN to Fox News over the last decade.
What is actually needed is a more hard-hitting 60 minutes style news channel that focuses on uncovering the truth wherever it may lie. If it means that Hunter Biden’s laptop proves Vice Presidential duplicity, then go there. If it proves wrongdoing on the Republican side, then go there. Today, one of the few people doing this kind of reporting is Sharyl Attkisson. Not surprisingly, she had to create her own network in order to preserve her impartiality. It may not insure the most accurate or best reporting, but at least, it’s not biased or one-sided. That is what people crave today – impartial reporting searching for the truth behind the headlines.