Biden Wants A Deal With Iran No Matter The Cost

by Micha Gefen

When things begin to collapse in politics, leaders always go after some sort of easy win. Unfortunately, this almost always involves Israel capitulating on something to do with territory or Iran. In Biden’s situation – Iran continues to be the lowest hanging fruit.

The Biden administration needs some sort of win soon or the President’s entire term will be under risk of failure. In classic fashion they are running after the radical Islamic regime of Iran and hoping any sort of appeasement will suffice to get a deal signed on the Ayatollah’s nuclear weapons.

For Israel, this is a nightmare. No matter how FM Lapid slices it – the US approach is set to cause severe danger to Israel and the US does not really seem to care.

The current trajectory of the US dealings with Iran has exposed the severe weakness underwriting the entire Israel governing coalition. The world knows PM Bennett is a lightweight and they are running all over him. The challenge now is for Israel to have a plan B as the US administration decides to dump it under the Iranian truck.

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