Bibi Netanyahu on Life, Liberty & Levin – Must Watch. Benjamin Netanyahu has been the dominant political figure in Israeli society for the last 25 years. For most of those years, he has been the Prime Minister of the State of Israel. But for other parts of that period, he was the Finance Minister of the State of Israel who worked tirelessly to free Israel from the shackles of socialism and bureaucracy and effect a free market revolution.
But this interview is on the #1 issue that Netanyahu has built his reputation on – insuring Israel’s security. Netanyahu was not an Israeli General. But he understood that the key to Israel’s security was becoming an economic power. The GDP of Israel has surpassed Britain, France, Germany and Japan – according to Netanyahu.
Netanyahu has no problem taking full credit for this. He indeed does deserve much of the credit. But he did not do this alone. It was the ingenuity of so many people that was coupled with the free market changes that the government effected that led to all of the success. Necessity is the mother of invention. Israel absolutely needed to make the changes it did in order to survive. This is not a new concept in Israel. It has been the strategy of Israel since before it’s inception. It cannot rely on miracles, but it certainly takes them into account.
Benjamin Netanyahu has solidly placed himself as one of the leading Prime Ministers of Israel, if not the leading Prime Minister of Israel in terms of building Israel from a small-medium power in the Middle East into a leading economic powerhouse that serves as a stalwart fighting against tyranny and terror.