Ben Shapiro silences Liberal professor in religion and state debate

by Phil Schneider

How important is the basic concept of separation of religion and state, or as it is usually termed, separation of church and state? Should the government be able to regulate specific behaviors? This is a major issue. Ben warns that once the government gets involved in regulating our behavior in some unclear manner, there is no clear red line, and it is a majorly slippery slope. Ben’s arguments, as usual, are sharp and perfectly cogent.

The liberal Professor, Dr. Wellman, explains that America does not think that America’s liberties are being encroached upon. But Ben sticks to his guns and says time and again that if the Professor thinks that a business owner should not be allowed to say no to selling a cake for a gay wedding, then of course, our liberties are being encroached on.

Ben believes that the people who are using force to impose their opinions on other people are the leftist professors and politicians. Those progressives don’t think that business owners should have the freedoms to operate their business in ways that are insensitive to some people’s feelings. Ben is right on the money when he insists that this is the perfect example of where progressives have clearly overstepped their bounds and need to be kept in check. But, the best zinger of the event is when Ben says that “Liberals love guns far more (then conservatives). They just love guns that are being used against conservatives.” He is referring to liberals who want policemen to impose their liberal opinions on the masses.

What Ben and other conservatives understand is that the idea of separation of church and state was intended to keep the religion out of our lives – by force. He sticks to his guns and doesn’t let up as he defends that the government should not violate our freedoms. It should protect our freedoms. Ben is right on.

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